They’ve been good all year long. Santa knows that. He’s seen them when they were sleeping, when they were awake, and each one is on Santa’s Good Kitty list.
And so now each Safe Haven kitty is writing their Christmas letter to Santa with the hopes they get their wish come true!
The other night some of my fosters climbed up on my desk and started their letter to Santa. Read it, send it around, share it with animal lovers. Let’s help Tex, Opal and Big Baby get their wish!

That my sister Big Baby on the left, and me (Tex) on the right.
We’re muggin for the camera. Aren’t we cute??
Dear Santa, Our names are Tex, Opal and Big Baby. We’re writing to you early because what we want is really hard to find, so it might take longer. We want a home where we could continue to live together. The three of us kittens all look totally different. I’m Tex, a little orange tabby boy who loves to climb up on your lap and cuddle. I like to help with housework, computer work, making the bed-whatever you’re doing-I like to be in the middle of it?
Opal is my sister, an off-white, blue eyed beauty. She looks like a Birman. Like me, she’s very sweet, loves people and playtime.
Big Baby is my other sister and she is so silly. A brown tabby, she has a real baby face. She demands attention and is always trying to get love from everyone. She’s a real cuddle-bug and wants to be held all the time. When people see the three of us, they think we’re really, really cute. So were hopeful someone will want all three of us!

We usually all nap together, but I was the only one who knew how to use the camera. That’s Opal and Big Baby napping.
We do everything together. We sleep, eat, play together and now we’re even writing this letter together. We were born under a porch and somehow lost our momma. She just disappeared one day. So it was up to us kittens and some neighbor kids to get food and stay safe. We were cold and had fleas all over us. We were scared we’d get hurt, so we hid under the porch and waited and waited.

This is my rescue photo. We stayed in quarantine for awhile like all new kitties do. But it was really nice with blankets and plenty of food!
Finally we were rescued and brought to Safe Haven and we’re so happy now!! Because we had to work so hard to survive outside, the three of us are really close. We can’t imagine being separated. Safe Haven tries really hard to have kittens adopted in pairs, and we know sometimes kittens are adopted in three’s and fours! We hope that will be the case with us.

We’ve come this far together. We can’t be separated now!
Santa pleeeaseeeee get us a home together!!!
If we’re adopted together, Safe Haven will waive one of the adoption fees. So all three of us can be adopted for the price of only two.
So Santa, please try to answer our Christmas wish and find us a family who will take all three of us! That would be the very best Christmas wish ever! Thank you Santa! Love,
Tex, Opal and Big Baby.
PS: you can reach my foster mom at 207-229-8314. Call anytime, we can’t wait for our wish to come true!!!
The kitties thank you!