Saturdays at our Adoption Center

If you work during the week and can’t come down to see us at 1616 Post Road in Wells Maine, try to make it a destination on Saturdays. We’re open from 11-4 and our adoption counselors are available to spend even more time with you than during the busy weekdays.  Kitties are all waiting to see you and show you around.

Today we had the fun of having foster volunteer, Adriana bring  3 of Momma Lisa’s kittens to our adoption center to spend the day. These three little boys are 12 weeks old and will be neutered Monday. Applications are now being accepted for them. Download your application and get it in to us ASAP. These kittens are precious and kittens get adopted fast!

Our Safe Haven Kitty Sponsor Program is doing very well. Shown below is Zoe wearing a magical hat that brings us great luck. It’s our Sponsor a Cat hat and has helped us to promote this great program. Our goal is to have every kitty in our program sponsored by at least one person each month. The cats behind Zoe show some of the kitties already sponsored. This $10 a month donation helps us to afford some of our expenses for food and litter for that kitty.

Volunteer Zoe holds 2 of Momma Lisa's kittens.

To sponsor a kitty, you can choose one online or you can come and visit and select a kitty that calls to your heart. You can pay via PayPal or mail in your check. If you can’t choose which kitty we can choose one for you. To encourage 6 month and 12 month sponsorships, we offer 6 months for $50 and 12 months for $100. Please consider helping Safe Haven continue this quality care for our 100+ kitties.

The kitties below need to be sponsored. Please consider being their special friend and help Safe Haven afford their ongoing care.

Rosebud is dreaming of having a sponsor!

Diamond wonders if you'd like to sponsor him!?


If you appreciate our No-Kill work, please consider making a small donation.

Thank you for supporting Safe Haven's No Kill rescue work

The kitties thank you!

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