Yard Sale thanks!

Update from Joyce:

Thank you to all who helped during this event. To those of you who worked from start on Friday till finish on Sunday, thank you so much! You are remarkably devoted friends to SH and so appreciated.

To those of you who managed to give us several hours of time during this weekend, we appreciate it so much. We all have busy lives and I know how hard it is to squeeze out more hours to volunteer. By you showing up unexpectedly we were both surprised and delighted. So great to see you all again.

The weather was great, the customers were friendly and sales were good. Another success! It’s unbelievable the nice items the public donates to us. What a great community of supporters we have. We couldn’t do it without their donations.

Thank you all! — Joyce and the kitties

Thanks to everyone involved with this weekend’s combination Yard Sale- Bake Sale – Bottle Drive. It was another very successful event and raised much-needed funds for our No Kill cat rescue programs.

If you’ve never attended, ours are kind of Super Yard Sales, with donations of gorgeous furniture, etc. The biggest item was probably the spotless loveseat + chair + ottoman. A chance to re-do your family room for less than $200.

Our Bake Sale goodies was sold out by mid-day — all but one pack of banana muffins and a mini loaf of zucchini bread, that is. (You don’t know what you’re missing!) Thanks to all our volunteer bakers, and special thanks to Deanna, who also takes it upon herself to make sandwiches to feed our hard-working volunteers.

Thanks to all who donated items to sell, and to all who attended and purchased.

More volunteers are needed Sunday afternoons 2-5pm to help us take everything down. Come by if you can!

If you appreciate our No-Kill work, please consider making a small donation.

Thank you for supporting Safe Haven's No Kill rescue work

The kitties thank you!

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