Taylor Hicks concert & Safe Haven

Taylor HicksThe New England Soul Patrol, a premier Taylor Hicks Fan Club, is sponsoring a special drive to help Safe Haven Humane Society. They are asking everyone attending the concert, Sunday night at Jonathon’s in Ogunquit, to bring in donations of — kitty litter, dry or canned cat food, kitty toys, and most importantly money.

Currently their Adoption Center is full and the season for new kittens is coming up. The shelter is in need of our help more than ever. If you can, please come to the Taylor Hicks concert Sunday night, May 8, and bring a small donation of any sort.

A collection basket will be located in the foyer of Jonathan’s Ogunquit’s listening room and the New England Soul Patrol will be tailgating in Jonathan’s parking lot to answer questions about Safe Haven and their No Kill cause.

Thanks to the New England Soul Patrol — and all the Taylor Hicks fans!

If you appreciate our No-Kill work, please consider making a small donation.

Thank you for supporting Safe Haven's No Kill rescue work

The kitties thank you!

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One Response to Taylor Hicks concert & Safe Haven

  1. Joyce McKay says:

    Alicia from New England Soul Patrol arrived Monday with a trunk load of wonderful donations for the kitties at our Adoption Center! Bags of food and litter and treats filled our kitchen. She also gave us a very generous cash donation we will put toward our vet bills. We are so thankful and grateful to New England Soul Patrol for choosing Safe Haven as the recipient for the Taylor Hicks concert. What a fun and wonderful group and we also appreciate Taylor Hicks for his part in helping Non Profits and worthy causes. Thank you to all!!!

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