Safe Haven’s 2nd Annual Kitten Shower


Some of our Shower Team: Dori (coordinator) Kathryn, Gail and Fred!

Many thanks today to Dori who coordinated our second annual kitten shower and to her team, Fred , Gail, Kathryn , Joe and Kathy. We were very pleased with all our food, litter and kitty care donations.

Rachel filled our donation bin to overflowing with gifts to the kitties!

Very special thanks to friend and supporter Rachel who filled our kitty playpen with so many of the donations we so badly need to help Safe Haven get thru kitten season.

Rachel blew us away with case after case and bag after bag of food, nursing formula, kitty beds and cat nip toys she sewed, and countless toys and treats and kitty brushes! Thank you so very much!

To all of you who brought our kitties gifts today we thank you from the bottom of our hearts! We can not do this without your help!

Kathryn never stops sewing for the kitties!

Kathryn is another talented volunteer. She sews kitty beds, toys, and treats. As you can see in the photo, she always has a needle and thread in her hands.

She was a big part of today’s success and fun. Thank you for all you do, Kathryn!


Gail also has talented hands and used them to give foot massages and use reflexology for a donation to Safe Haven. Hard working Fred is getting his tired feet cared for at our event!

No more aching feet for Fred thanks to Gail!


While Dori and her team wrestled with the wind in our front yard, indoors our kitty care team introduced our visitors to our wonderful kitties!



Meridith is a tremendous asset to Safe Haven

Meredith is holding Maxine who has an adoption pending! Let’s keep our fingers crossed!!

Meredith is a great part of our cat care team and makes Fridays especially wonderful for all our kitties when she comes to pamper them as part of the cat care team.

Thanks, Meredith!

Johanna is a cat whisperer!

Volunteer adoption counselor Johanna is surrounded in our upstairs kitty playroom with kitties and visitors meeting what might be new family members!

She and her brother Sal are two of our most intuitive adoption counselors. Knowing our cats’ personalities so keenly to help people make good matches for life.

We were delighted to meet Morgan who brought her family and friends in to see our Adoption Center for the first time. Morgan has formed a group called, The Animal Helpers and their goal is to help animals by fund raising and hands on care.

The Animal Helpers (Morgan in center)

Morgan has her parents Paul and Sarah, and friends Niki and Adia on her team and they will be hosting a yard sale in Sanford to benefit Safe Haven. (time and date to be posted soon!)

Way to go! to this delightful, inspiring young person. She has put her love for animals into action to make things better for those who help them!

We can’t have successful events without the rest of our Safe Haven team working to keep things going. Thanks to you all, the ones behind the scenes keeping it all going with the enormous amount of work that must be done every day and night to keep our kitties happy and comfortable: Donna, Leonore, Rhonda, Zoe (who manned the shop all day), Tracy, Marilyn, and always Grace — we love  you and appreciate all you do day and night.

We have 77 volunteers and our center is always buzzing with work, so please forgive me if I have forgotten anyone..let me know!!

Thank you all for making our 2nd annual kitten shower a great success!

If you appreciate our No-Kill work, please consider making a small donation.

Thank you for supporting Safe Haven's No Kill rescue work

The kitties thank you!

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