RIP: Tiny Tim

Safe Haven member/volunteer Michelle recently rescued a mother cat and two kittens. One of the kittens was unable to walk. We were hopeful that with proper medical treatment little Baby Brother, aka Tiny Tim, would have an opportunity to live a long and satisfying life.

Despite his physical limitations, he was a happy little kitten, much loved by his momma and sister, and by his foster mom Michelle who gave him such tender care. Despite his purring he seemed to be failing. He couldn’t eat properly and wasn’t mobile. His sister was beginning to play but Tim was so limited.

Tiny Tim with his momA harsh blow

The day that was to be his beginning of a medical plan brought us a final harsh blow. Tiny Tim/Baby Brother’s prognosis offered no hope. The kitten had developed pneumonia. He also had no swallowing reflex, so eating was nearly impossible.

Because of a birth defect, he would never be able to walk, even with surgery. A second opinion yielded the same prognosis: no hope for any quality of life or relief from misery.

After conversation with Michelle, we gave consent for Tiny Tim/Baby Bear to be euthanized. This is a decision that is most agonizing to make and it comes only after a great deal of thought and emotional pain. Michelle, who loved him so very much, agreed that any other approach would be selfish. We couldn’t expect him to endure any more misery.

Tiny Tim /Baby Brother is now buried under an apple tree with other kittens that we have lost this year.

No-Kill also means mercy

Times like this break our hearts. But it is also a time to reflect on the merciful act of kindness Safe Haven gives our beloved animal friends. No Kill means we give our animals every opportunity to have a long and healthy life. But we will not let them suffer if they have no hope of a quality life. A loving, kind goodbye is the final act of love we can give them.

At this time of year, love and kindness are the most precious gifts we can give. It’s important to remember that love comes in many actions and today it came in an act of Mercy.

As Tiny Tim would say, “God Bless us Everyone.”

If you appreciate our No-Kill work, please consider making a small donation.

Thank you for supporting Safe Haven's No Kill rescue work

The kitties thank you!

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