Hobo Joe came to us in April. This wild child was really very upset to be caught and removed from his wild life. He sulked, he hissed, he pouted and that made us love him all the more. We knew he was frightened and sad and in pain from his injured paw. We couldn’t blame him for missing his old wild life and for fearing us and what we might do to him. At most shelters feral cats are killed, but luckily Hobo Joe was with us and we are No Kill and love ferals.
He hated us medicating him. He’d put up quite a fight, you had to be very quick and fearless to handle Hobo Joe. Most of the time he would turn his back on us and not respond. We’d talk to him and tell him that we were sorry he was sad and afraid and we gave him time and more pep talks, gentle handling and good tasty meals.We told him that he was safe, loved and we promised him a happy life.
He was what we could call…a challenge, but a worthy one indeed. We knew we would win him over with time and love. We’ve done it many times before. And in time, he did come around, thanks especially to Gracie who tames the wildest of them, she did get him to enjoy dancing in her arms and getting smooches on his big pink nose.
He became a great dancer and a real lover boy and we saw with our own eyes that this was no ordinary feral tom cat. We were all certain that he was really an old soul wearing cat clothes this time around who’s mission was to give gifts to all he met. Now neutered and paw healed he was seeing life with new eyes. He mellowed out and became a romancer of another kind. This now gentle giant became a compassionate father figure to kittens, someone to spoon with during nap time and a great friend to us all.
All the office kitties became happier, more confident, more humored with this big fellow around. We think that if a cat could become a knight, he certaily would deserve the honor. He was like all the kitties “blankie” and they all slept better with him spooning next to them.
It amazed us how all the cats clustered around Hobo Joe. Even when he walked thru the office, the cats walked beside him, and the kittens wove thru his legs. At night, they all slept together.
We just never even gave a thought about Hobo Joe leaving us. He had such an important job at our Adoption Center, and well…we all really loved sharing our lives with him. But one day the phone rang, and a family was interested in Hobo Joe. We all kinda looked at one another like….”What???? Hobo Joe Leaving????” But the more we thought about it we knew it was the right thing for Hobo Joe. He had worked so hard for us and now he was going to have what he really deserved and has been waiting for. His very own family! And so yesterday, his new family came to visit him a second time and there was no doubt. He was in bliss with them and them with him, and we stood back and knew that this was the right thing.
Now he's the center of another type of universe...his very own family. This is going to be some Christmas for Hobo Joe! This family is exceptional and they have a great kitty who will be Hobo Joe's best buddy!
Every kitty that comes to Safe Haven is a teacher to us all. We have learned volumes from Hobo Joe. Thanks for sharing your journey with us dear friend. Happiness Always!
The kitties thank you!