Mitzie’s Dilemma

Mitzie , a stray, gave birth to 6 kittens and then was allowed outside despite her kittens needs for her

Mitzie had a problem. This beautiful little stray torti was pregnant and needed a place to give birth. Someone spotted her and let her in long enough to do just that, and allowed her to go back out when she wished. But her newborn kittens were inside needing her.

Age 3 days of age, this malnourished kitten was in critical need.

But she couldn’t get back in when she needed! No one was paying attention. She should never have been let out to begin with! Kittens need their mom with them at all times especially when just born! Due to lack of warmth and

nutrition, two of her kittens died.  The person wanted this “problem” off her hands and called on us to help. We are currently unable to  accept any new intakes but this was a case that was an emergency and it involved kittens  in critical need,  so we rescued Mitzie and her 4 surviving kittens.

They were so tiny, just ounces and still had their umbilical cords. Mitzie had very little milk due to being malnourished and was in weak condition. She also had fleas. We removed her fleas and settled her into a  safe and cozy place to rest with her babies so we could observe them. Knowing that there was not enough milk for all the kittens we were soon aware of the smallest kitten’s critical condition. We rushed her to our vet.

Our vet examines the weakest kitten

We were shown a review of tube feeding which is the safest way to feed a kitten of this size. Careful weight of the kitten and exact measurement of formula, and exact measurement of the length of the tube itself must be done to do this properly without harming the kitten. Never do this by simply reading about it.  Go to your vet and have them teach you.

Luckily this litter was not infested with fleas. They had a few fleas but nothing like the prior litters we rescued!

Tube feeding is decided as the best method for this size kitten.

Kittens this size are too weak to suckle on a baby bottle. Tube feeding is a  fast, efficient way to feed kittens but it must be done properly to avoid fluid from passing into their lungs. That condition can cause pneumonia and death.

It is of course always preferred for mom kitty to nurse all her kittens but when a mother cat doesn’t have enough milk you have to help out with feeding so the kittens survive. So these kittens are now being supplemented with tube feeding.

We are taught tube feeding 101 by Dr. Bush. Kitten cooperates....

Janet has been taking the weakest kittens home at night, keeping them in a heated pet bed with blankets that have their mom’s scent. They also have a stuffed kitty they cuddle with they think is mom. We put the stuffed cat in with mom to get her scent on it. The kittens come back to mom during the day and get to enjoy the comfort of their siblings and mom. They do suckle on their mom, and this experience will help them become more confident kitties when they are older.

Their condition is still guarded. Your prayers and support are welcome and needed. We really need your help to continue to save kitties in urgent need. Despite all our fundraising we are in need of funds and supplies to keep going! Thanks for your help no matter the amount!

We are so hopeful that these kittens will survive!

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The kitties thank you!

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