Feral mom Miss Poppy is recovering well from injury

Nothing, not even a orange stiff splint will prevent Miss Poppy from being a devoted mom!

We received a call about a feral cat that was in great need. Miss Poppy was living on a rural property and gave birth to three kittens. She was being cared for by a sympathetic animal lover and all was going well until Poppy showed up one morning severely limping and showing signs  of some trauma to her face. She could have been attacked by a predator or perhaps she was hit by a car, but irregardless, she needed medical attention.

We took her to our vet and after x-rays  it was discovered that her ankle was broken in two places. Our vet wrapped her leg up with a bright orange splint and we brought her and her darling wee kittens back to our adoption center where she could rest and heal.

Miss Poppy tolerated the splint and went about caring for her kittens despite this awkward, stiff wrap around her leg.  With her one free leg she hugged her kittens and licked them clean. From day one, she found a way to use her litter box and eat and care for her kittens.


She is a perfect example of a feral cat and is a great “spokescat” to all who visit our center.  She will educate many about how remarkable feral cats are. They are devoted and loving mothers to their kittens. They can be  socialized and adopted to loving families once given time to be socialized. We are appalled that shelters kill feral cats as they consider them “unadoptable,” and some shelters even kill the mother cats and put their kittens on other nursing moms!

Our No Kill policies protect feral cats and give them the opportunities to long, healthy, safe lives — just like the domestic cats we rescue!

We are looking forward to the day when Miss Poppy’s  splint is removed. Meanwhile, her kittens are enjoying climbing up on it, using it as a perch, and looking into their mom’s beautiful yellow eyes.

Come visit Miss Poppy  and her darling kittens!

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The kitties thank you!

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One Response to Feral mom Miss Poppy is recovering well from injury

  1. Pingback: Miss Poppy's kitten | Safe Haven Humane Society

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